Saturday, March 24, 2012


At times I tend to be a silent grumpy lump, lucky for me simple t-shirts can be a great tool for outreach. I was at a hamburger shop this afternoon and I was wearing one of my favorite MS T-shirts and I made a new friend. I met an MSer that has been kicking her MS' ass for 13 years. My new friend looks very strong and very fit, she served as a good inspiration to me and I thought that encounter can serve as inspiration to others. My shirt made me stand out to another MSer, and it also reminded me that I should be more vocal, I tend to sink into the background too much, I lucked out because my shirt became a conversation starter. 

I plan on being an elderly man one day and if I can tackle my MS the way that my new friend has then it won't be that bad. I got my shirt from THEMSSHOPPE I have to note that my new friend is probably younger than me, she's a mom, a wife, (as well as an MSer) again, I just use this as an example to us all to remember that we can still win! 

1 comment:

  1. I'll lose a battle now and then, no need for worry. For I've already won the war of continuing to be who I've always been ME!
