Wednesday, August 17, 2011

keep working out

as I mentioned on an earlier blog post I've been working out and enjoying my progress, the only difficulty lies with ... ego. Before I was diagnosed last  year I was holding  had down three jobs, I've always had a strong work ethic and it kind of fell by the wayside upon my initial diagnosis. (in the sense that a disabled man with cog-fog shouldn't be in charge of doing paperwork or unloading a truck in the Florida heat) I mention my ego because I still have the mindset of going the extra mile (literally) or wanting to. The only difficulties lay with working within my boundaries. The success that I have enjoyed is that I may not be able to start the treadmill on 3.0 but I can start at half of that and move the incline up to 10.0 without much difficulty and pain. trying to do that with the mindset of health NOT bulk is always something that I have to keep in mind.

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