Saturday, February 4, 2012

Further adventures in the cog-fog realm

Last Thursday while I was preparing to leave for this month's MS Support meeting I twisted the doorknob lock as I was walking out the door, as soon (LITERALLY as soon) as the door shut my brain did a silent scream of NOOOOOOO My keys both house and car were in a bowl inside in the hallway. I quickly alerted my father who carries a second set of my keys, my dad lives about two miles away from me so he told me to stay still because he was going to walk over. I may have RRMS and use a cane but my father is almost 72 years old and has his own health issues (beside that my neighbors dogs are unruly and loud and I didn't want to sit in the humidity listening to them bark at me) I had the excellent  idea of at least trying to meet him half way. About sixty feet from my driveway I tripped over a plastic reflector fastened into the ground. Luckily I was able to stand up and I continued on my mission.

that's about one mile, not bad for a guy with a cane and an A.F.O 
I was almost there when the amount of walking added to the heat added to the stress of not wanting to fall again my optic neuritis seemed to dance a bit (my eye would temporarily cross) I met up with my dad and I made my way back home. The way back was uneventful, aside from being a bit sweaty my eye returned to normal and I made my way to my support meeting forty minutes late. What have I learned? I need to keep extra set of keys around.

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